„I want to create situations that embrace dialogue, inspire and uplift; where you encounter art as a natural and joyful part of life, intuitively and with all your senses.“
Desislava Eick, Founder YOUNG COLLECTORS
„Ich möchte Orte der Inspiration, der Begegnung und des Wohlbefindens schaffen, an denen Kunst nahbar, sinnlich und intuitiv intellektuell erfahrbar wird.“
Desislava Eick, Gründerin YOUNG COLLECTORS
YOUNG COLLECTORS is a new format, offering a relaxed approach to the art world and art collecting. Founded by art advisor Desislava Eick it provides easy access for those who have been looking for the right entry point to these fields.
With exciting collaborations often at unusual places YOUNG COLLECTORS offers its members carefully selected opportunities to start and expand their collection. Together with a growing network of partners and worldwide destinations YOUNG COLLECTORS aims to establish an exciting community of new art enthusiasts.
How to become a YOUNG COLLECTOR?
Start Collecting with Us – Our motto says it all.
If you are interested, please let us know by message, phone call or email and we will invite you to our next upcoming presentation or event. You might even get a private tour of an artist’s studio. You have the chance to become a member by selecting and buying an artwork from our exclusively sourced artist of the year and you will immediately benefit from all membership
advantages. If the current presentation is not in your vicinity, you can be advised by one of our local partners or choose your artwork online. It’s as easy as that.
What advantages does YOUNG COLLECTORS membership offer?
A cool community. As a YOUNG COLLECTOR you will be invited to exclusive member’s events 3-4 times a year. In private circles we will visit special art spots, private collections or enjoy exclusive offers by our art & lifestyle partners. You will have access to selected art and art consulting by an experienced international art advisor and benefit from her international network. Each year we foster one to two selected artists, that are under the radar of the art market and offer outstanding quality artworks at a still attractive pricing to enable an entry point for various budgets.
YOUNG COLLECTORS ist ein neues Format, das einen entspannten Zugang zu Kunst, zum Kunstsammeln und zur Kunstwelt bietet.
Es wurde von der Kunstberaterin Desislava Eick entwickelt, um ein Angebot für Menschen zu schaffen, die neugierig auf diese Bereiche sind, bisher aber nicht den geeigneten Einstieg gefunden haben.
In loser Reihenfolge und an ungewöhnlichen Orten tritt YOUNG COLLECTORS mit spannenden Partnern in einen Dialog und präsentiert seinen Mitgliedern ausgesuchte Künstler zum Kauf und Aufbau einer jungen Sammlung.
Wie werde ich ein YOUNG COLLECTOR?
Start Collecting with Us – das Motto von YOUNG COLLECTORS ist Programm.
Interessierte werden zu unserer nächsten Veranstaltung eingeladen und haben so die Möglichkeit, uns kennen zu lernen.
Entscheiden sie sich für einen Kauf, werden sie zum YOUNG COLLECTOR und Teil der Community und haben ab sofort Anspruch auf alle Vorteile.
Welche Vorteile bietet mir YOUNG COLLECTORS?
Eine coole Community.
Als Young Collector wirst Du 3 – 4 mal im Jahr zu exklusiven Events eingeladen.
Im kleinen Kreis besuchen wir besondere Kunstplätze, private Sammlungen oder geniessen exklusive Angebote unserer Partner.
Zugang zu Kunst und Beratung durch eine internationale Kunstexpertin und ihr internationales Netzwerk.
Wir fördern jedes Jahr ein bis zwei Künstler, die unter dem Radar des Kunstmarktes laufen und neben hervorragender Qualität attraktive Preise zum Einstieg mit verschiedene Budgets bieten.
„Ich möchte Orte der Inspiration, der Begegnung und des Wohlbefindens schaffen, an denen Kunst nahbar, sinnlich und intuitiv intellektuell erfahrbar wird.“
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Creating A Worldwide Community
Our format CITIES will grow to offer our members a network of inspiration and international exchange.
A touch point and contact person in each city to access the art scene and the coolest and trendiest places.
Feel welcome to a new destination with special rates, access and offers from our network partners.
Connecting People to Art
It’s About Art and Life
INTERESTED to become an art, lifestyle or hospitality partner at one of our destinations or add a new one?
Be the host of one of our art presentations and introduce your institution, location, business or product to our community.
INSPIRED to work with one of our artists?
We offer: art curation for your space and business, art events and pop ups, mixing our community with yours.
We love collaborating and look forward to discussing individual options with you.
Exclusive Art Partner of Sovereign Collective
We will grow and curate an art selection suitable for Young Collectors on Sovereign Collective.
It will include offers from artists, galleries, editions and museums from worldwide destinations.
We are excited to join founders Molly Hanten-Tomaszewski and Kelly Rutherford in their mission to connect the world on a greater level and support small brands, artists, entrepreneurs and creators worldwide.
Start Collecting With Us